4 Benefits of High-Quality Windows in Winter

As the winter chill sets in, homeowners often reach for blankets and turn up the thermostat to combat the cold. However, one crucial element frequently overlooked in the quest for warmth is the quality of windows in our homes. High-quality windows are pivotal in creating a comfortable and energy-efficient living environment during winter. At Clinton Glass, we understand the significance of investing in top-notch windows and four of the benefits they bring to your home during wintertime, so we’re sharing that knowledge with you today.

The Benefits of Replacement Window Screens

Of the things homeowners often neglect, window screens rank near the top. With so many home maintenance areas to keep up with, it’s hard to justify replacing your window screens. There are, however, many benefits in doing so. Continue reading to learn more from the team at Clinton Glass.

Benefits of Home Window Replacement in the Fall

Have you been considering a home window replacement? Well, consider no longer! Fall is the perfect time to undertake this home improvement. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of replacing your home’s windows this fall from the team at Clinton Glass.

Lower Energy Costs in the Spring

Spring is here and temperatures are rising. After climbing energy bills in the winter months due to heating your Connecticut home, you’ll want to stretch the warm-but-not-too-hot spring months as long as you can to save on costs. Here are some great tips to save on energy from the team at Clinton Glass.

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Builder-Grade Windows?

If you have a long list of home improvement projects you’d like to complete on your Connecticut home, replacing your windows might not be at the top, and we understand. The windows that came with your home seem good enough, and there are projects that may seem a bit more fun to complete first. However, build-grade windows are not built to last and are made with low-grade materials. At Clinton Glass, we encourage you to move replacement windows to the top of your list. Read on to learn why.

3 Ways to Burglar-Proof Your Windows

Have you ever locked your keys inside your house and had to find a way to break into your own home? It’s an unfortunate situation, but it can also open your eyes to how vulnerable your house may be to a real break-in. After all, if you’re able to break in, others can too. At Clinton Glass, we not only want your house to have energy-efficient, updated windows, we also want you to be safe. So today we’re discussing three easy ways you can burglar-proof your windows and sleep easy … Continued

Got Drafty Windows?

As the days grow darker and colder here in Connecticut, old and drafty windows can quickly become a big problem. For a while, you can ignore the cold by piling up blankets and cranking up the thermostat. But eventually, between your high energy bills and your shivering family members, the problem demands action. To warm up your home and save on utility bills this winter, read on to learn about drafts from your friends at Clinton Glass.

Should I Repair or Replace My Windows?

With cooler temperatures on the horizon, it’s more important than ever to have windows you can count on to keep the outside chill where it belongs – outside! If your windows aren’t in the best shape, you may be wondering if they can be repaired or if you need to replace them altogether before winter comes. At Clinton Glass, we are experts in both window repair and replacement, so today we’re comparing the two options so you can make an educated decision.

How to Have the Cleanest Windows

Owning a home comes with a certain amount of work. You take care of your lawn, you keep your floors vacuumed and your toilets cleaned. But for some, keeping the windows clean feels like a tedious chore. To avoid having to redo your hard work, you want to make sure you get it done right the first time. Our experts at Clinton Glass has put together a list of tips to help.

Spring Energy Saving Tips

Spring has sprung in Connecticut, and homeowners are starting to think about when they’ll need to start turning on their air conditioners. No one enjoys putting all their money toward utilities when there are so many other fun things to spend it on. If you’re looking for ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency (and therefore decrease your utility bills), consider these few tips from our team at Clinton Glass.