Got Drafty Windows?

As the days grow darker and colder here in Connecticut, old and drafty windows can quickly become a big problem. For a while, you can ignore the cold by piling up blankets and cranking up the thermostat. But eventually, between your high energy bills and your shivering family members, the problem demands action. To warm up your home and save on utility bills this winter, read on to learn about drafts from your friends at Clinton Glass.

Should I Repair or Replace My Windows?

With cooler temperatures on the horizon, it’s more important than ever to have windows you can count on to keep the outside chill where it belongs – outside! If your windows aren’t in the best shape, you may be wondering if they can be repaired or if you need to replace them altogether before winter comes. At Clinton Glass, we are experts in both window repair and replacement, so today we’re comparing the two options so you can make an educated decision.

How to Have the Cleanest Windows

Owning a home comes with a certain amount of work. You take care of your lawn, you keep your floors vacuumed and your toilets cleaned. But for some, keeping the windows clean feels like a tedious chore. To avoid having to redo your hard work, you want to make sure you get it done right the first time. Our experts at Clinton Glass has put together a list of tips to help.

Spring Energy Saving Tips

Spring has sprung in Connecticut, and homeowners are starting to think about when they’ll need to start turning on their air conditioners. No one enjoys putting all their money toward utilities when there are so many other fun things to spend it on. If you’re looking for ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency (and therefore decrease your utility bills), consider these few tips from our team at Clinton Glass.

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

Winter is here in Connecticut, the holidays are on their way, and before you know it, it will be the New Year. New Year’s resolutions can be a great way to focus your goals for the coming year, and reflect on ways to improve on the past. You may have even made some for yourself, whether it be to get to the gym more often or to add more green to your diet. Resolutions are for self improvement, so why not set resolutions for your home to improve its overall … Continued

3 Affordable Upgrades to Boost Home Value

We all know that remodeling projects can be stressful, time-consuming, and potentially costly. However, remodeling can result in a variety of benefits to you and your home that far outweigh the costs. If you are considering a remodel to add value to your home, be sure to call your friends at Clinton Glass for a free estimate and a chance to work with seasoned professionals that have the experience you need and want to get the job done right.

4 Signs That You Need New Windows

If you listen closely, your home has a pretty good way of speaking to you when something is wrong. A musty odor in the air or a discoloration on your walls probably means you have a water leak somewhere. Cracked and drafty windows are instant signs that you need a window replacement. But are there other signs that you should be keeping a watch for? Our team at Clinton Glass has put together a list of signs that are often missed, and are good indicators that it’s time to replace … Continued

4 Tips for Dealing with Drafty Old Windows This Winter

As colder temperatures set in, Connecticut homeowners are once again lamenting their drafty old windows. Connecticut is replete with Victorian mansions, old brick ramblers, and classic Cape Cod-style homes. Older homes are charming and beautiful, but often they come with their fair share of problems, including drafty windows. If this is your situation, our team at Clinton Glass has four tips to warm up your house and save on utility bills this winter.

Install a Storm Door on Your Connecticut Home

If you’re looking for a great way to update your home this summer, consider installing a storm door over your existing front door. A storm door can add comfort and protection to your entryway and can also add style to your home. At Clinton Glass, we understand how much New England weather can be frustrating, so we want to help you keep the weather out when you need to, and let it in the rest of the time.

3 Ways to Update Your Home This Spring

Has the Connecticut weather got the better of you? Perhaps like our team here at Clinton Glass, you’re ready for spring to get here already. You’re ready to throw open your windows and drink in that fresh, fantastic air. As you prep for spring, you may also be thinking about all the ways you can update your home. Let us help! Here are some of the top three ways that our qualified and professional team can bring transformation to your New London or New Haven home.