Winter in Connecticut can be long and brutal. You spend a good amount of time indoors, looking out the window and enjoying the fact that you’re warm and inside. However, all that staring out the window has made you realize just how old and drafty those windows really are. Maybe it’s time to give Clinton Glass a call to get a free quote on replacement windows.

Signs You Might Need New Windows

Replacement WindowsBut does my home really needs new windows?” you ask. You’re not alone. In fact, many homeowners question or ignore the signs that their home needs a little help in the window department. However, if you notice any of the following signs at your New London or New Haven house, you may want to consider window replacement:

  • Cracked or broken windows
  • Heating or cooling bills on the rise
  • Moisture trapped in between window panes
  • Windows are difficult to open or shut
  • Your home is old and the windows have never been replaced
  • Noticeable drafts near windows

Get Started Today

Most homeowners avoid window replacement due to the cost and labor involved. However, you could actually be saving yourself quite a bit of money in heating and cooling bills with newer, more-efficient window models. Plus, newer windows come with many modern conveniences that make cleaning and maintenance so much easier. But you’ll never know until you ask. 

You can start the window replacement process today by contacting Clinton Glass at (860) 664-3711. It’s a great time of year to get a free quote from our team because you can plan ahead for a spring replacement. The weather will be milder, and we’ll get those windows installed just in time for you to throw them open and enjoy the fresh, spring air.


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