Exploring the Benefits of 3 Shower Door Types

At Clinton Glass, we understand that choosing the right shower doors can significantly impact the overall look and functionality of your Connecticut bathroom. When it comes to shower door options, three popular choices are frameless, framed, and semi-frameless designs. Each type offers unique benefits tailored to different preferences and needs. Let’s explore the advantages of each.

4 Benefits of High-Quality Windows in Winter

As the winter chill sets in, homeowners often reach for blankets and turn up the thermostat to combat the cold. However, one crucial element frequently overlooked in the quest for warmth is the quality of windows in our homes. High-quality windows are pivotal in creating a comfortable and energy-efficient living environment during winter. At Clinton Glass, we understand the significance of investing in top-notch windows and four of the benefits they bring to your home during wintertime, so we’re sharing that knowledge with you today.

3 Unexpected Benefits of Quality Windows

As one of a house’s most crucial components, windows provide both weather protection and a lot of curb appeal. Nevertheless, as windows get older, they can significantly increase your energy expenses, make your home look dated, and create other issues. There are numerous advantages to replacing your old windows with new ones, some of which you might not have thought of. Today on the blog, our team at Clinton Glass has compiled the top three unexpected advantages of replacing old windows.

The Benefits of Replacement Window Screens

Of the things homeowners often neglect, window screens rank near the top. With so many home maintenance areas to keep up with, it’s hard to justify replacing your window screens. There are, however, many benefits in doing so. Continue reading to learn more from the team at Clinton Glass.

Types of Glass Shower Doors

You might not realize this, but a glass shower door is much more than just a way to protect you and your shower from water splashes. With the right glass, it can be an elegant addition to any bathroom! In this blog, the team at Clinton Glass will walk you through some of the different types of glass shower doors so that you can make the best decision for your home.

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Builder-Grade Windows?

If you have a long list of home improvement projects you’d like to complete on your Connecticut home, replacing your windows might not be at the top, and we understand. The windows that came with your home seem good enough, and there are projects that may seem a bit more fun to complete first. However, build-grade windows are not built to last and are made with low-grade materials. At Clinton Glass, we encourage you to move replacement windows to the top of your list. Read on to learn why.

How to Get Your Home Ready to Sell

The housing market has been hot this summer and many sellers are taking advantage of the high demand to sell their homes quickly. However, even though there has been a high demand for houses on the market, it is still necessary to make certain improvements before you list. In order to sell your house for a great price, you need to take steps to make it desirable for potential home buyers. At Clinton Glass, we’ve made this list of quick improvements you should make before you list.

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

Winter is here in Connecticut, the holidays are on their way, and before you know it, it will be the New Year. New Year’s resolutions can be a great way to focus your goals for the coming year, and reflect on ways to improve on the past. You may have even made some for yourself, whether it be to get to the gym more often or to add more green to your diet. Resolutions are for self improvement, so why not set resolutions for your home to improve its overall … Continued

3 Affordable Upgrades to Boost Home Value

We all know that remodeling projects can be stressful, time-consuming, and potentially costly. However, remodeling can result in a variety of benefits to you and your home that far outweigh the costs. If you are considering a remodel to add value to your home, be sure to call your friends at Clinton Glass for a free estimate and a chance to work with seasoned professionals that have the experience you need and want to get the job done right.